Are you a gamer, but stuck with a computer that looks like this?
I don't think you realize that you have one of the most nostalgic architectures of any Macintosh computer ever. The PowerPC is loved and still used by many. On this blog I will be listing games for you, so you can have the same awesome PPC experience I did, and am still having. Just so you know, my PPC is a G4 processor running OSX Leopard (10.5.8) at 1GHz. All of the games I list are games that I have tried and work on my computer at a decent speed. I will not be posting many links because I personally hate it when a website keeps a broken link. Most of the time, I'll just explain how I got it for you. When I am fairly certain the link will be there for a while I will put one in. Thanks for visiting my site and get gaming!
Gaming on PowerPC
Blog Archive
Friday, January 23, 2015
Age of Empires II
A fantastic RTS set in medieval times made by masters of the genre, Ensemble Studios. The player has control over a society and guides them through four different time periods or "ages". The game begins in the Dark Age, where very few buildings and units are available.
After a short time when requirements are met, the user gains the ability to advance their civilization beginning with the Feudal Age, where more upgrades, buildings, and units become available. The next age is the Castle Age, in which the powerful castle may be built, and used to produce powerful units including the unique unit of each civilization. Finally, the user can reach the Imperial Age, which is reminiscent of the early years of the Renaissance. Once the user has reached the Imperial Age, they gain access to all the upgrades, units, and buildings that may be built and researched for their specific civilization.
This text is from the Age of Empires II Wiki, found here: Age of Empires II Wiki
You can buy the game here: Amazon
If that's not your style, there are torrents out there...
After a short time when requirements are met, the user gains the ability to advance their civilization beginning with the Feudal Age, where more upgrades, buildings, and units become available. The next age is the Castle Age, in which the powerful castle may be built, and used to produce powerful units including the unique unit of each civilization. Finally, the user can reach the Imperial Age, which is reminiscent of the early years of the Renaissance. Once the user has reached the Imperial Age, they gain access to all the upgrades, units, and buildings that may be built and researched for their specific civilization.
This text is from the Age of Empires II Wiki, found here: Age of Empires II Wiki
You can buy the game here: Amazon
If that's not your style, there are torrents out there...
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Warcraft III
An awesome fantasy RTS. A great campaign with a solid story line. Cunning bots to practice with in custom games. Competitive multiplayer matches on Battle Net. In depth world editor for custom stories and matches. You can't get much better than Warcraft 3.
You can also get the Frozen Throne expansion for a new story and other cool features.
You can buy this game on Blizzard's website: Warcraft III
On the website, it says it requires 10.6.8 to run. Do some research so you can find the right version. If that's not your style, there are torrents out there...
Friday, October 24, 2014
Unity 3D
Yes, create your own games on PowerPC! Unity is a great game engine used by many developers to make very awesome games. It works on PowerPC very well, and its all free!
I have Unity 2 working on my computer, though after some searching I can't find the place I downloaded it. Here is the official Unity Website: Unity 3D
I have Unity 2 working on my computer, though after some searching I can't find the place I downloaded it. Here is the official Unity Website: Unity 3D
Friday, October 3, 2014
No Limits
No Limits is not much of a game, but it is a blast nonetheless. It is a very realistic roller coaster simulator with advanced editor capabilities. It is so versatile, that it was used by theme parks to showcase new rides. I say "was used" because theme parks are using Theme Park Studio and No Limits 2 now.
This is a must have for any roller coaster enthusiast with a PowerPC. I bought the game when it was originally listed for $30. It was an impulse buy that I never regretted.
You can buy No Limits from its website for a reduced price of $20: No Limits
There are absolutely NO torrents out there for Mac, so BUY THIS!
Halo: Combat Evolved
Considered as one of the greatest FPS's ever, Halo: Combat Evolved works on PPC! Play through the award winning campaign or blast people to bits on online Multi-Player!
Save the universe from the Covenant, the Flood, and the destructive blast of the Halo. The game runs fairly nice at highest settings with a few frame rate drops in larger levels.

You can buy the game from MacSoft's website: MacSoft
If that's not your style, there are torrents out there...
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Command and Conquer Generals
Command and Conquer Generals is an RTS set in modern times. There are three major armies (USA, China, and GLA) with individual campaigns for each army. You can play through a satisfying and lengthy campaign or have a good match in skirmish mode. There is also a Multi-Player mode as well.
Each army has different types of troops and buildings, and their own unique apocalypse weapon. USA has an underwhelming laser that takes a very long time (about 5 minutes) to charge up and can't even destroy a whole building! China has a nuclear missile that is fairly powerful. The GLA launches a storm of missiles that destroys many buildings and leave behind toxic gas that kills any infantry instantly. Yeah, I only use the GLA.
The screenshots show the graphics at the highest possible settings, though like me you will most likely have to set them down. It doesn't look as good but its still the same experience!
The screenshots show the graphics at the highest possible settings, though like me you will most likely have to set them down. It doesn't look as good but its still the same experience!
You can buy this game on Amazon: Amazon
If that's not your style there are torrents out there...
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
This game is a masterpiece. You must command a squad of soldiers to do certain missions whether it be capturing war criminals, neutralizing enemy camps, rescuing soldiers, or simply taking out all the bad guys. Despite its old graphics, the mechanics in this game are very realistic in how easy it is to make mistakes while on reconnaissance missions. The game requires more strategy and patience than most FPS games, and even some RTS games. There is a full campaign with cut scenes and a bunch of missions, and also a quick play mode with 3 different game modes.
I personally can't stop playing this game. There are a lot of very challenging missions, and once you complete one, you can level up the skills for your different squad members. You can also watch nice replays of your games with no extra lag.
You can buy this game on Amazon used: Amazon
If that's not your style there are torrents out there...
Assault Cube
Assault Cube is a fun Multi-Player/Single-Player game. It includes good maps and game modes like Team Deathmatch, Deathmatch, and One Shot One Kill. Also, if you are a creative gamer, you can spend the time making your own map in its very versatile map editor. It's graphics are good and it runs nicely, except when you first start a map. When the map is done loading, it will run at about 5FPS, but then it will get going to a good, regular speed. The game has online and bots mode, which is great! There are 4 guns, an assault rifle, shotgun, SMG, and sniper. In older versions of the game, it is called "Action Cube."
Download from their website: Assault Cube
To get a version working for the PPC, look in the software archive and experiment around.
Download from their website: Assault Cube
To get a version working for the PPC, look in the software archive and experiment around.
Armagetron Advanced
Armagetron is basically a 3D tron clone. You can play it Single-Player bots or online Multi-Player. This game is really fun and addicting, with many different ways to customize your matches. You can change the game speed, number of bots, skill of bots, size of map, and more.
You can download the game at Armagetron's website: Armagetron Advanced
You can download the game at Armagetron's website: Armagetron Advanced
Civilization 3
Civilization 3 has to be one of the best RTS games ever. The Mac version was published by Aspyr. There is so much to manage in this game whether it be keeping your citizens happy, or trading with other civilizations, keeping peace, winning wars, finding resources, researching technologies, keeping order, managing a treasury, building new cities, and so much more. Civilization 3 is a must have for any computer, old or new.
You can buy this game from Aspyr's website: Aspyr
If that's not your style, there are torrents out there...
Uplink is a hacking game published by Ambrosia Software. You must hack into other peoples computers and do anything from change social security information, to stealing files from a server. You can later upgrade your computers CPU, buy new programs to help your hacks, and more. It's a very stressful game because if you lose your reputation in the virtual hacking world, no one will hire you and you will have to restart your progress.
You may buy Uplink from its website: Uplink
If that's not your style, you can find free serial numbers on the internet...
You may buy Uplink from its website: Uplink
If that's not your style, you can find free serial numbers on the internet...
Another gem from Wolf Fire Games, Lugaru is a game where you are a Kung-Fu rabbit protecting his home land from wolfs and evil rabbits. From hand to hand combat, to swords, knifes, and staffs, there are many ways to take our your enemies. Included is a full fledged story mode and 14 challenge mode levels. You can also do really cool tricks like back flips, front flips, shoulder rolls, high jumps, back hand springs, and more!
You can buy the game from Wolf Fire's website: Wolf Fire
If that's not your style, you can download the demo and input a serial number off the internet...
You can buy the game from Wolf Fire's website: Wolf Fire
If that's not your style, you can download the demo and input a serial number off the internet...
Diablo 2
Diablo 2 is a classic and very fun RPG from Blizzard Entertainment. Complete quests, find weapons, and kill demons! You can choose from a bunch of classes and level them up into advanced warriors. The higher you level up, the more skills and spells you can upgrade! Fill up your inventory with your best armor, weapons, and more!
There is also a cooperative Multi-Player mode that is very fun!
You can buy the game on Blizzard's website: Blizzard Entertainment
If that's not your style there are torrents out there...
There is also a cooperative Multi-Player mode that is very fun!
You can buy the game on Blizzard's website: Blizzard Entertainment
If that's not your style there are torrents out there...
Black Shades
This awesome game is from Wolf Fire games. You are a bodyguard in a city, and you have to protect the man wearing white. There are many assassins that will try to kill him, but you have to kill them first. Once you kill all the assassins, you go to the next level. Sometimes there are zombie levels, which can get hard.
What's really cool about this game is that it is more than just shooting. Your character also has psychic powers. You can slow down time, force push, and even leave your body to see where the assassins are!
There is also a text file where you can change your level settings (eg. What weapon you start with, how many assassins, how many levels, etc.)
The game can be downloaded from Wolf Fire's website: Wolf Fire
What's really cool about this game is that it is more than just shooting. Your character also has psychic powers. You can slow down time, force push, and even leave your body to see where the assassins are!
The game can be downloaded from Wolf Fire's website: Wolf Fire
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